If you're thinking about getting dental implants, then you're probably interested in knowing just what the process entails. First of all, it's important to know the parts of the implant. The actual implant itself consists of a small titanium stud that is surgically implanted into the mouth, and then the other part of the implant is the actual crown that has the look of a real tooth.
The first step of the dental implantation process is for your dentist to examine your mouth and determine whether or not you're an ideal candidate for dental implants. In order for dental implantation to be possible, you must have enough bone in your mouth and jaw to support the stud. Some people with extremely small teeth and gums might not be ideal candidates.
Next, the dentist designs the stud according to your specific case. Some people might require different sizes of studs. Once the implant is made, the dentist then sedates the patient with a local anesthesia. While sedated, the implant it surgically implanted into the mouth, and a temporary crown is placed over the stud.
The process doesn't end there, though, because the mouth needs time to heal and accept the stud. Therefore, the temporary crown is used, and then approximately six months later, the patient has to go back to the dentist, during which time the dentist will remove the temporary crown and replace it with the permanent one.
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